
Competitor Price Audits - at the Cutting Edge

The PRISM Intelligence Price Audit system is without question, the best, most advanced and and most efficient in the industry. Engineered by, and for, large corporate clients to deliver the data they way they need it - no other platform comes close.

The single greatest difference: Our system associates all data at the product level in a real-time, filtered, historically-trended database - delivering all the information you need in one place. Automatically compiled. Available on demand.

Better yet, we give you, the client, total control over it all. Manage and maintain your images, products and SKUs - build and deploy campaigns in-house, at will. Total control results in lower costs, greater precision and maximum efficiency.

Faster Decision-making: PRISM delivers your data from the field in real-time, allowing you to monitor campaigns and see results immediately. Moving faster, and with better data, than your competitors makes all the difference. We know. We built this for you.

The PRISM Difference - Benefits and Advantages

  • Real-time Data: Engage and take action as it comes in from the field.
  • Anonymous: Conceal your presence from all auditors & competitors.
  • Total Client Control: Over products, projects and campaigns.
  • 1,000,000 Auditors: The largest force in the field available anywhere.
  • Mobile Power: Our audit app ensures accuracy, precision and speed.
  • Validation: Require Bar Code/Price Tag capture to ensure accuracy.
  • Modern: No need for old-school pivot tables and custom roll ups.
  • Precision: Set upper and lower price tolerances to eliminate re-shops.
  • Availability: One-click access to filterable, historical price database.
  • Success: Faster, better and more reliable data. If your business depends on understanding the competitive landscape with precision, speed and unparalleled data quality, the PRISM Price Audit system is your solution.